4.0 - Connection via onion service
Tor Exit Node Query | TorStatus Server Details | Opinion Source | Advanced Query Options | Advanced Display Options | Network Statistic Summary | Network Statistic Graphs
CSV List of Current Result Set | CSV List of All Current Tor Server IP Addresses | CSV List of All Current Tor Server Exit Node IP Addresses

Number of Routers by Country Code
Number of Routers by Country Code
Number of Exit Routers by Country Code
Number of Exit Routers by Country Code
Number of Routers by Uptime
Number of Routeres by Uptime
Number of Routers by Observed Bandwidth Number of Routers by Platform
Number of Routers by Bandwidth Number of Routers by Platform
Number of Routers Matching Specified Criteria
Summary Graph

The software used for this page was initially taken from project.torstatus.kgprog.com.
The software running on this software has been modified to ensure proper operation and is maintained at GitHub.

Site operator: Paul Starochrueckgr.at